Friday, March 28, 2008


Hey...look at the proud pop!
I don't know who is cuter!

So baby Violet was born and it was a whirlwind week. Stacy's water broke out of the blue on Sunday morning.
We went to the hospital and then Tuesday night (the day before my birthday) she started having pains. They were not measuring on the monitor as labor, but Stacy insisted that they were getting worse and worse. Finally the nurse checked her dilation and she was FULLY DILATED. So the race was on an the room filled with nurses as I struggled to get my mask and hairnet on and get the video camera. They wheeled her into a different room, then decided to put her in yet another room. The doc came in and Stacy totally blew me away with her bravery. She delivered the baby in twenty minutes without anesthesia! Wow!
I was fine as I was filming (Don't worry I didn't film the actual birth) but after I switched the camera off I turned white as a ghost and almost fainted (ha ha) The nurses were then on the run to get me some orange juice to bring up my blood sugar. I laid my head on Stacy's shoulder, rubbing her arm as she pushed, suddenly a little pale baby was being lifted up onto her chest. I cut the umbilical chord and we were a family.

1 comment:

RichmanVA said...

Congratulations brother. Can't wait to meet her. Give me a call sometime.