Friday, March 28, 2008


Hey...look at the proud pop!
I don't know who is cuter!

So baby Violet was born and it was a whirlwind week. Stacy's water broke out of the blue on Sunday morning.
We went to the hospital and then Tuesday night (the day before my birthday) she started having pains. They were not measuring on the monitor as labor, but Stacy insisted that they were getting worse and worse. Finally the nurse checked her dilation and she was FULLY DILATED. So the race was on an the room filled with nurses as I struggled to get my mask and hairnet on and get the video camera. They wheeled her into a different room, then decided to put her in yet another room. The doc came in and Stacy totally blew me away with her bravery. She delivered the baby in twenty minutes without anesthesia! Wow!
I was fine as I was filming (Don't worry I didn't film the actual birth) but after I switched the camera off I turned white as a ghost and almost fainted (ha ha) The nurses were then on the run to get me some orange juice to bring up my blood sugar. I laid my head on Stacy's shoulder, rubbing her arm as she pushed, suddenly a little pale baby was being lifted up onto her chest. I cut the umbilical chord and we were a family.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Baby...minus ten...nine...eight...

Hey everybody,
Yesterday we had some shocking developments. Stacy's water broke and I took her to the hospital! We were not expecting this AT ALL. Because Violet's due date isn't until May 8th. We have been assured that, although she is six weeks early and therefore premature, she will be healthy.
They are going to try to keep Stacy comfy until THURSDAY and then if the baby hasn't decided she is coming out they will induce labor.
Needless to say we are pretty scared but excited at the same time. I can't believe that in two or three short days I will be a DAD.
I can honestly say though that I love Stacy, I love my life, and I just got a really good job so I AM VERY HAPPY and ready for this step. I cannot wait to hold little VIOLET in my arms.

Friday, March 21, 2008

It was just announced that Ray Park (from Star Wars Episode 1 fame - I guess) has been picked to play SNAKE EYES in the new GI JOE live action movie...

It seems that we have all grown in age but not maturity as we no longer play with action-figures but now make movies of our favorite toys. I am certainly not a GI JOE fanboy but I have a strong nostalgia for it, because they were my favorite toys as a kid. We couldn't afford M.A.S.K. and I never really got into TRANSFORMERS but I was obsessed with GI JOE -

Of course STORMSHADOW was my favorite figure but I also really liked BEACHHEAD, FIREFLY and *gasp* one of the few black characters: SGT. STALKER.

So while checking out YouTube for a any sort of teaser trailer for the upcoming movie I found the following REALLY STRANGE videos.

The first one actually a pretty good fan adaptation.

All I can say about this next one is WHAT IN THE HELL?!?

This is quite funny.

Before GI JOE I was a HE MAN fanatic. Remember Stinkor? He was covered in this felt material and he smelled really bad (for real). Ha ha - toys that stink.
O.k. so, I just had to add this because it’s seriously one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. Its…
Unemployed Skeletor's video blog of evil # 1

Friday, March 14, 2008

Noir...and wrestling?

I just watched the most fantastic Noir film. Seriously one of the best I've seen. From the inventive camera angles to the dark characters it is just fantastic.

It is called NIGHT AND THE CITY and is directed by Jules Dassin.

Here's the low down:

A cheap grifter named Harry Fabian wants to be big time and does not care how. Like a junkie, he uses and steals from his girlfriends and fellow grifters until he finally cons himself into a corner trying to squeeze into the popular wrestling scene (?) in London in 1950.

This is a seriously dark film as Harry spirals down he brings everyone with him and they all have a bit of a doomed fate just by knowing him. It also has one of the darkest, melancholy endings I've ever seen.


Saturday, March 8, 2008

so fist ick 8 add

Hey look how cultured I look gazing at Art...I was probably thinking about the episode of Family Ties when Alex was forced by Mallory to go to Nick's art opening!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Greatest Score!

I found the best thing ever at the thrift store today. "Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas" on VHS!
This is a movie I loved as a child and a few years ago searched high and low for it. Even EBAY didn't have it. I guess it is available on DVD now, but I've never seen it for sale. So anyway I got a piece of my childhood back for $1.40.