Monday, March 24, 2008

Baby...minus ten...nine...eight...

Hey everybody,
Yesterday we had some shocking developments. Stacy's water broke and I took her to the hospital! We were not expecting this AT ALL. Because Violet's due date isn't until May 8th. We have been assured that, although she is six weeks early and therefore premature, she will be healthy.
They are going to try to keep Stacy comfy until THURSDAY and then if the baby hasn't decided she is coming out they will induce labor.
Needless to say we are pretty scared but excited at the same time. I can't believe that in two or three short days I will be a DAD.
I can honestly say though that I love Stacy, I love my life, and I just got a really good job so I AM VERY HAPPY and ready for this step. I cannot wait to hold little VIOLET in my arms.

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