Monday, February 1, 2010

After J.D. Salinger died I heard a radio program discussing "what book changed your life". This got me thinking about movies (as does everything else). So I wondered what film changed my life or more succinctly, what film made such an impression that it has altered my perception and stayed in the forfront of my mind since I first saw it.
Now , like all pseudo intellectual 30somethings, I would love to say it was Godard's "Breathless" or Kurosawa's "The Seven Samurai", Hell, even Fincher's "Fight Club" that drilled it's way past pop culture into the meaty center of my brain and altered my very foundation. is none of those, nor the expansive list of films of social and celuloid relevence I have seen; but a fun, silly little jem called "BILL and TED'S Excellent Adventure."
Yes it's true...and all who know me know that it's true. Not even Romero's "Dead" franchise has created so much excitement, wonder, and happiness in me. I quote the film constantly. Watch it endlessly, and enjoy it more each time. The only film that may take it's place would be..."Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey".

P.S. That book that changed my life? Again...I'd like to say it was Dostoevsky's "Notes From Underground" or Howard Zinn's "Peoples History of the United States" or Hell, even "Fight Club" but it was not. The book was "Bill and Ted comic book no. 1" - JUST was actually Jim Thompson's "The Killer Inside Me" and that ain't no shit.

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