Thursday, February 28, 2008

Dog King & His Bride


Shadow Boxes & Shrines I've made

I made this PeeWee box for Stacy for Christmas.

Below are some Shrines I made to BLUES/BEAT/and ROCK&ROLL

And this fine Gem is a Suitcase Amp I made. I got the idea while visiting the local Thrift store.

A couple things Stacy made that I LOVE

She made this shadow box for m 26th B-Day...She also threw the best party of my life. Here's the story. She made me believe she had to work on my birthday and I was sad. Little did I know she rented out an art space/venue and got tons of bands and tons of my friends to come. I was cruising around with two of my friends grumbling about my birthday when they said they wanted to make a stop. I wanted to stay in the car but they dragged me to this place...and SURPRISE! a mega birthday bash! and she decorated the whole place in Dia de los Muertos style. It was truly spectacular and the stupidest part is that I had NO idea. She even printed up flyers and secretly handed them out. NOW THAT IS LOVE!
This is my favorite painting that she has done (sorry for the blue tint...I couldn't figure out how to use her digital camera). She has an ART degree and has made alot of truly stellar work, but this one is so accessible and expressive. I love it.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

"Dimestore Dostoevsky"

The writer R.V. Cassills has suggested that of all pulp fiction, Thompson's was the rawest and most harrowing; that neither Dashiell Hammett nor Raymond Chandler nor even Horace McCoy, author of the bleak They Shoot Horses, Don't They?, ever "wrote a book within miles of Thompson". (Polito, 373)

Friday, February 15, 2008

Blues Art Feb. 15th


I'm soooo excited about my little baby Violet. She's due May 8th! My wife looks so beautiful and pregnant and we are very happy. Our friends came over yesterday and brought their baby. It was too cute for words. In the words of Bruce Mcculloch..."Life is a pretty sweet fruit."

Here is the fun fun

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008


I cannot get motivated today...I have alot of homework to do but I jjjjjust can't bring myself to do it. I've been staring at the problems for 35 minutes now...UGH. I'm really stressing about a job, even though I'm too swamped to have one right now. I cannot wait until I am done with school and working...too much pressure! I think I'll just sit here and drink coffee for a while....that should help...right?

Thursday, February 7, 2008


I miss my friends Shawn and Chris alot! Shawn lives in Seattle so I only get to see him about once a year and Chris just sort of dropped out of my life. I tried several times to get a hold of him but his number is disconnected and he moved.
...Here is a picture of us from our former life.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Studying'll killya boy.

Man, I swear I study way more than I should need to. It seems like it takes me so long to actually LEARN things.

I can process things rather quickly, and I have a propensity to understand things on a more emotional level than an intellectual one. I feel the subjects and somewhere deep inside I do understand but to then express them to others is difficult. For fun I consume books on philosophy, history, and forensic science but the amount I retain is very minimal I think. Names, dates and specifics just seem to leak out the back of my head. It is the same with films, actors, directors, etc. In film school, while others spouted out name after name I kept silent, not because I did not have opinions but because I couldn't think of a single damn name. I would say things like, "I dig that one German know...the guy...who did the film about that sleepwalker know..." or "Yeah, that chick who was in all those hal Hartley she's good!" Now with Algebra I find that I can do the questions if I have the formula staring me in the face, but as soon as I don't, the numbers float around meaninglessly. UGH! I will say though that was able to retain alot of my medical studies. I did well in Anatomy and all my Histology classes have gone rather smoothly...maybe I just have trouble if I feel like I have to prove something. HMMMM. Anyway here is a video that sums me up really well!


This is one of the best videos I've ever seen! Its a band called "IV Thieves".

This ones Rad too! It's from the singer Nic Armstrong of the Thieves.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Fantastic Animation/T&S live video

My friend MICHAEL GAURKEE ( a designer/artist who creates these great cartoons using post-it notes has pitched in to add some flavor to a live video of TREMBLE AND SHAKE. It was shot by another friend Jesse Lawrence and I edited it. Enjoy.

Friday, February 1, 2008

New art 02/01/08
