Friday, October 10, 2008

Hopelessly devoted...

I know I've mentioned it before...that I love my wife and to the avid reader (ha ha) I'm sure you are like "Oh man, another schmalzy, mushy rant". But hell, why not I say. It is rare that one finds someone that just fills in all the gaps and makes everything feel whole.
I've had alot of girlfriends in the past, nearly all were really great chicks, but none of them made me feel like Stacy does. There was just always something missing.
Our first date was to a museum and it was one of the funnest times I ever had. Stacy has a degree in art so she explained all sorts of things to me from symbolism to history of the pieces. It was really magical. I remember looking at her and thinking she was the most beautiful thing in the gallery and feeling like I didn't want to be with anyone else.

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