I have read so many books since I last posted I can't even conjure them up in my mind right now. Notably I read Starvation Heights: A True Story of Murder and Malice in the Woods of the Pacific Northwest.

Among the letdowns I have read was Joe Hill's (Stephen Kings son) 20th century ghosts - It started out strong and the first few stories are GREAT but then it takes a sharp turn and falls flat. I also tried The Colorado Kid by Stephen King = snore. Then Rogue Scholar which heralded interesting subject matter, but was written like a cross between court proceedings and a dry school text book so it was laboreous to get through.

I found a great story I had never read by Jim Thompson called "Case of the Catalogue Clue" in a book called A Scream in the Dark: and other true crime stories (originally released as Murder Plus). It was great, but the book - even the reprint - seems very hard to find online. I found it at Barnes and Noble in the cheap section!!!

So to wrap up this rant - I've been reading alot more than watching films because of Violet. (I don't yet want to expose her to too much for fear of her having nightmares). BUT I did watch the ENTIRE series of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA much to the shagrin of Stacy and everyone else I have confessed this too :) - p.s. it was GREAT!

My band REIGNING KNIVES is kicking ass. We just played two outdoor shows (on the same street just blocks from eachother! :) They went off well and I really like our tunes and my bandmates. More on that later though.